Sunday, June 14, 2009

Night Blooming Cereus

The beautiful Night Blooming Cereus bloomed last night. Beginning at about 9:00 pm and on to about 10:00 until it was in full bloom. The aroma is sultry and intoxicating, and I'm sure the little "Hummingbird" Sphinx Moth got a real treat.

Here are the stages of the bloom

Sphinx Moth

Notice the center-- There is a legend about this flower that the center stamen is the halo over Baby Jesus in the manger (the yellow being the straw of the manger). Blooming at night as Christ was born.

the next day!

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful! Sorry I couldn't be there to see it, but Chickasaw has a curfew and my mommy won't let me out at night.
