Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Camera

Ed did it! He bought that new camera for me. He wanted me to have it now while the flowers are blooming, instead of waiting for Christmastime.

I got a Kodak EasyShare Z1015. The number represents 10 megapixals 15x Optical Zoom. I took the first pictures today and they are awesome. You can see the little mites on Gardenias and the pollen dust on the daylily bloom.

The only problem and one that spoiled my excitement was that the software to look at and use the pictures is not working, or I simply cannot figure it out. I think Kodak screwed this one up. I never had any trouble with my old Samsung. It should be simple!!!!

It may be a while before you see my new pictures on the net! :(


Yesterday was Garden Club Meeting

Our speaker was Tom Darty a botanist from the Ala. Extension Agency.
He is a fantastic speaker! It was like he got on a roll and we didn't want to stop him. You should try to hear him speak if you are in this area.

The Garden Club recently had a "Tomato Walk" and gave T-shirts with a big tomato to those who registered. There were about 29 walkers. Plans are to have it again in the Fall.


  1. How can you excite us like that, then leave us hanging? Quick, get someone to help get you on the web!
