Monday, November 1, 2010

Cactus care

Easter Cactus:

Jan: Resting period

Feb-Mar: Pre-Flowering Period

Keep dryish and cool until flower buds form.
Then increase water and temperature.

Apr-May: Flowering Period
Water normally. Maintain a minimum temperature of 60 deg. F.

June-Aug: Outdoors: place in a shady spot, protect from slugs.

Sep-Dec: Resting Period
Keep cool (55deg F). The soil ball should be moist, but do not overwater.

Christmas Cactus:

Jan: Flowering Period

Feb-Mar: Resting Period

Apr-May: Treat normally; water thoroughly when compost begins to dry out.

Place in a shady spot; protect from slugs.

Sep-Oct: Pre-flowering period
Keep dryish and cool until flower buds form.
Then increase water and temperature.

Water normally. Maintain a minimum temperature of 55 deg.F.


Jan-Feb: Resting Period
Keep cool (maximum temperature 50 deg.F)

Mar-Apr: Pre-flowering Period
Keep dryish and cool until flower buds form.
Then increase water and temperature.

May-Jun: Flowering Period
Water normally. Maintain a minimum temperature of 60 deg.F.

July-Aug: Outdoors
Place in a shady spot, protect from slugs.

Sep-Oct: Treat normally, water thoroughly when compost begins to dry out.

Nov-Dec: Resting Period

Enjoy your cacti!!

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