Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blackberries in the freezer!
Ed put 5 quarts of blackberries in the freezer yesterday. Many more are on the vines. We have several thornless blackberry vines. He has potted several to share with others. If you are local, give a call and come get one.


  1. Save me some blackberries. You guys sre better than a produce market and twice as good looking!

  2. That is great.
    I have 2 thornless blackberries but the birds get there first. Do you train yours up or do you let them grow sideways?
    It seems this yr. there will be more berries. Could it be from the unusual cold we had this past winter?

  3. Ed let's them grow upward and at the top he trains them on a line. I believe the cold had something to do with producing more fruit.
